So it's 2010 and you're entering the new year as a singleton. Maybe single again (you sadly experienced a break up in 2009) or the nineties flashed before your eyes and before you knew it you found yourself entering the new decade single......still.
But THIS YEAR it's going to be different, this year you've decided to get out there and start dating again. For some of you, this could be a frightening step - and due to career, travel, family commitments or a previous relationship - something you have not experienced for a long time. My advice? Take a deep breathe, smile and put that first foot forward. Because you know what? It's not as frightening as you think.
There is a multitude of ways we can all meet some new people and hopefully make some new friends. We know the traditional and more familiar ones: community or sport clubs, work, bars, pubs, charity events, set ups etc.
Then there are the new-ish tools such as dating online forums, dating websites and superior dating websites that match people according to information they enter into the system. This is usually based on values, goals and what each is looking for in a partner.
As a female (newly) in her forties, I'm not a big fan of hanging around in pubs and bars, searching for 'the one'. Sure, I'm often in bars catching up with friends, but we are all so busy with work and family commitments I'm more interested in spending quality time with my friend than scanning over her shoulder for the next Mr Maybe. The tool I use the most, is certainly the Internet. No matter which resource you decide to use, remember to keep yourself safe and have some fun in the process.
Some dating tips (from someone who's done this many times before) include:
- Stay safe. If you do not know the person you are meeting up with (an online contact or you met them briefly in a bar the week before) ensure you keep all personal details, including your address, to yourself.
- Meet them in a well-lit, very public place. If you can, meet them for a coffee or a walk in the morning or afternoon. If you do meet them for the first time in a bar or pub, make it early in the evening and only commit to one drink. If you find you're having a good time and feel comfortable, you can stay for dinner.
- If you are not sure what they look like (blind or first-time Internet date) ask if they will text or call you when they arrive at the meeting place. This provides the opportunity to obtain some details about shirt/dress colour and their location inside the venue. There is nothing worse than one or both of you roaming aimlessly around a restaurant or café. Remember to return the favour if you arrive first.
- Keep alcoholic drinks to a minimum. I always take my own car so I know I have an escape vehicle if I need it.
- Remember that they are most likely just as nervous as you. Smile, it puts you both at ease.
- Ask questions, but return the favour by letting them know some things about you.
- Be yourself. If they don't like you for who you are, there's no point continuing.
- Be aware of your expectations. You are just there to meet someone new and enjoy the experience. Don't expect George Clooney or Angelina Jolie to walk through the door.
Above all, relax and see where the ride takes you.
Good luck!
Article Source: Ezine Article
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